Biodiversity Net Gain: Just another regulation?
How much does planter edging and seating really cost?
Embracing the Building Safety Act: Key Takeaways for Construction Professionals
Planters at roof/podium level: How does it work?
Technical Design
Value Engineering Landscape Design Effectively
5 Common Fears with Self-Weighted Planter Edging
The Art of Modular Design: Balancing Design and Assurance in Landscape Architecture
The 7 Principles of Landscape Design from 2024
Using Elevation and Structure in Landscape Architecture – Landscape Design Ideas & Inspiration
7 Imaginative Roof Terrace Ideas That Break the Mould
Innovative Ways to Use Landscape Lighting to Transform Spaces
How to Design a Memorable Roof Terrace Experience
Three ways to increase planting depth at roof level
Raised Edge vs Tub: Which is best for me?
Raised planter edging on roof falls: How does it work?
Three lighting options for your development
3 Standard Seating Designs
Planters at roof/podium level: How does it work?
Understanding External FF&E Industry Terms
Reducing CO2 in Soft Landscaping
Certification & Regulations
Best Ways to Approach Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) in Landscape Design
6 ways to improve Biodiversity Net Gain
Biodiversity Net Gain: Just another regulation?
Embracing the Building Safety Act: Key Takeaways for Construction Professionals
Which Timber Certification is Best for Sustainability?
Does my rooftop comply to fire regulations?
How do Pesticides effect timber certification?
Roof Gradient Design Requirements: A Concise Summary
How can timber elements be included on roof terraces?
UKTR: Frequently Asked Questions
Is FSC® a Legal Requirement?
Grenfell’s Effect on Roof Terrace Design
How Forest Type Affects Timber Sustainability?
How does timber age effect sustainability?
Is tropical hardwood sustainable?
How to impact BREEAM ratings through timber specification
Benefits of UK Manufacturing
How Sustainable is Recycled Steel?
Does FSC® guarantee sustainability?
Reducing CO2 in Soft Landscaping
What does timber sustainability include?
Material & Finishes
Choosing a Timber Specie for External Seating: Important Considerations
Which Material Finish is Best for Architectural Planters and Edging?
Do powder coated planters need galvanising?
Is English Oak a Suitable Choice for My Landscape Design?
Which Timber Durability Grade is Most Suitable?
Corten Edging: All You Need to Know to Specify with Confidence
Fresh Sawn – Air Dried – Kiln Dried: Which is best for external seating?
GRP and Composites: Is it suitable for external planters?
Timber Durability & Stability Explained
How suitable is UK Grown Oak for External Seating?
Corten vs Powder Coated vs Stainless Steel
Corten vs Weathering Steel
Cumaru: The perfect material for external seating?
Does stainless steel guarantee rust protection?
Why has my external timber changed colour?
Which grade of stainless steel should you specify?
Preventing Timber Movement
Timber: How big can I get?